In a broken family, th ones who are affected th most nd hurt th most are not th ones fighting. But rather, those who are precious to th ones fighting.
People get together nd start a family because there's LOVE. Then how? Nd why? Would this LOVE disappear (in a split second)?
It makes me feel sour within, when I hear those things. Even I, feel awful. Think about th one involved.

That was kinda emotional nd saddening. :(
C'mon! Let's talk about today instead(:

Remember I said I bought a Accesorize wallet ytd? Well, th zip was spoilt so I went back to CITYHALL just to change it. Ass that dishonest salesgirl yesterday who said Oh, there's no more. What th hell! I called this morning nd they said they do have stock! $%^&*!@$

Anyway, went to Marina Square (with MUMU) after that to shop around. She's RICH today okas! Went shopping at Bugis with her. She bought quite some stuff! Nd I only bought a PURPLE cardigan! IT'S PURPLE!! Lol. xD
Then we went to surprise Malio at MusicGarage(: She was shocked nd happy(:
Watched th members there rehearse for their performance ltr, it was kinda not bad? Haha. Th place is really cosy, other than th open area singing zone. Heh.

Did I say? Ctb (w/o baba) had a meet up last night at Macs. Cos we haven't been meeting up for a long time. Nd we did have some shit (LOL!) to clear up. =p
So we had a talk, nd I guess everything's gonna be fine? Well, I certainly hope EVERYTHING will be FINE(:

Anyone going for WWSS -nd other sch- de combined concert at VCH? It's on 1st Dec (Sat) at 7pm? I'm not sure of th time but, do come nd support WWSS(:

Going Expo with folks tml(: Haven't been having a good appetite, but I'm interested in what they have this time, though th stuff are about th same ALL TH TIME=x

I'm feeling so NOT GREAT lately.


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