Baby's pride.
& I get t enjoy it too!
Been cruising around alot since he bought it yesterday & it's awesome!
Met up w Sam / GX / WM @ Tampines for dinner
& we bought matchy face mask :)

Will put up photos SOONISH!

It's my birthday in 2days' time.


有些东西是要失去了才懂得珍惜。但是我(还)没失去iPhone 之前就超懂得珍惜它。
为什么那个 fucker 要偷我的电话!!

Posted by ShoZu



I've been missing you Baby :(

Posted by ShoZu



Posted by ShoZu



Posted by ShoZu

Haven't blog since th first day of work.
Totally lost all mood whn my baby iPhone went missing.
Till now I still curse that bastard everyday & get reminded of how I lost my phone t my own carelessness:(

So anw, I've been working everyday till 1o & th routine starts again at 12 in th afternoon.
Sounds okay but by th time I sleep it's 1am & I wake up at 1o ish t prepare.
Zomg! Sho tired everyday. & I don't get t see Baby for a week.
I'm not complaining, I'm not. =x

Oh! Before I forgot.
Actually wnna have a small announcement here la. Since I've alr texted everyone, not that much replied, still wnna say:
My birthday celebration is cancelled.
谢绝" 为什么" .
Anw I rlly lost all my numbers so I can only get from people around me.
Please please text me your number! Thanks!

&& ohayo mina san!!
Ditched me for work.
Ditched me for FIFA.
Ditched me for tv show.

Dear Herpes fucker w moles on your penis,

I hope you die.

Well if you follow my tweets or am on my FB you'd know that a Herpes douchebag w morale shameless fucker w a penis (I'd like t think it's a guy's doing) full of black spots stole my precious iPhone from me whn I was working on THE FIRST DAY OF WORK.

& th whole incident happened within ONE FUCKING MINUTE. Reason I'm so sure? I just turned t grab a tin on mooncakes & whn Im cashiering th customer's bill, I realised my phone was gone. It was charging at th table for some time alr so we reckoned that bustard w no arsehole had alr been eyeing our stall for sometime.

Went t freakking M1 (swear they can rlly have fucking lousy service sometimes) & queued for 2hours t get my new SIM card. I was using an iPhone nd now that it's being stolen, I cnnt switch th data plan over t my new BB so I hafta pay for th non existent iPhone's data plan & top up another 10 odd bucks every month for my BB so I can have 1 pathetic GB of data plan.

& guess what! I hafta top up 3oo buckaroohs whn my plan's 12months' old t get a new phone. & according t th lady @ M1, even if I don't take iPhone4 then, I'd still hafta pay $300 t get a new phone. WTF!?

So anw, my question t all now is - if I use th data plan everyday, will I exceed th 1 fucking pathetic GB easily? Cuz I have no idea how much is this BB plan capped at.

So sick in th stomach.




Papers have ALL ENDED *thousand smiles*
So I basically spent th first day of holiday lounging @ home watching tv / painting nails / waiting for Baby Nyan t end his paper & went t eat before he comes home t mug. HAHAHAHAHA!

Anw, this entry's t show my new DSLR!!!!!

I hope you drool.

Btw, updated WISHLIST. *super buay hiao bai*


Life sucks lately.

It's 1055 & I should rlly head t bed, especially whn I need a good night's sleep before th paper at 9am tmrw. FMGT is making me mad, th more I do th more confused I get. Who th fuck needs t know what's PVA/FVA/PMT please. Goddamn tired. Brainfried. Goodnight. ps/ Baby either slept alr or he's playing games. Not answering my calls! No one t xiuxiu me. :(

For those who r cracking their brains for prez,
please take a look at th tab above @ WISHLIST.
Better than spending money & buying things I don't like right?
Of course you can be courageous la!


Finally updated!

Holla ya'll! Been busy mugging for papers recently & totally lacked th motivation t blog. HAHAHHA. Anw this entry's kinda picture filled ever since th last day I blogged.

Shota-kun!!!! Still v fascinated by him. HAHAHAH. This holiday (which I can already smell) Imma chiong all his shows & movies!! :D

New collection of accessories which made Baby go meh. He doesn't think it looks cute. Me likey!!!

Weeks back, when we went t TAISENG (!!!) for this Bakerzin briefing. Come look for us from 6Sept - 20 Sept at IMM & buy snow skin truffle mooncakes from us!
Tasted it during th briefing, OISHII neh!!! Cuz it's mostly alcohol flavoured (Whiskey / Rum Rasin / Champagne!!) Good for alcoholic like me! :D:D

Days back, tweeted that Baby gonna cook my spaghetti; OISHII! Though tad salty for him, but I love it! Love food with a v strong taste! We added German sausage whn th sauce's Portobello. HAHAHAH! Tasted fine though:)
Chef Khoo preparing:)

OMG!! This is a MUST SHARE!!
Aiya, Im not using my comp now, actually kept th link about this doggy. Mary darling showed me that day & I favourited it instantly. His story is DAMN KAWAII & FUNNY!!
Anw it's bout this Korean dog who had some eyelid illness (I think?) & he underwent surgery. Hours later, whn his owner came t collect him, th surgeon told him they had t give him DOUBLE EYELID for some reasons but I forgot what. HAHAHAHAH!
I think he looks cuter after th surgery lor!! Ok I will go back t find th link & post again.

Lubxzcxcxz you many Nyan Nyan:)
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