-ve value day

Super not productive day man. Always like this whn I'm having my period. Gah.
Damn bad, didn't do much revision tday except for ONE pathetic chapter of econs.
Gnna work doubly hard tmrw alr.

Anw I left th library early w Baby cos was too bad nd I was suffering from th pain. :(
Wanted t continue t revise whn I get home de lor. But this time I'm not v self disciplined. *looks at bimbo* Okay la, I think I'm not as bad. Cos I have a reason for not continuing at home. Hahaha.

CNY is freakking near alr. Like this coming sat is th EVE alr. Actually I kinda like th EVE, cos I always have dinner at granny's thn back home t online until wee hours while folks go t Chinatown (typically). Doesn't fancy being crammed with hundreds (prolly thousands) of strangers. Ugh. Don't even wnna think about it.
Now I sound like old woman. But on such occassions, I'd rather stay home w my lappy. So much nicer. Quieter, safer, comfortable-r, cooler (as is, literally). So many reasons t stay in than t go into that sweaty crowd at Chinatown.

Does anyone of ya'll know? Can Safari be used on desktop/laptops? Apparently I'm using Safari on my lappy now leh. But idk how come I can do that leh. I mean, even MacBook has their own OS right? I thought Safari is just for iPhone? How come I got nd can use Safari on my lappy harh? Hmm.

Did a personality quiz or th like a looooooooong time back. But I've always liked th results nd am still liking it:
你有倾向广场恐怖症。在潜意识里对 [分离] 感到不安。或许你的幼年期断奶断得比较早,导致对于离开心爱的东西会感到恐惧。由于比一般人更害怕孤单,因此,一旦置身于空广大地方,便会产生强烈的孤单和不安。相信只要找到一位能够保护你,让你感到安心的恋人应该就不会在对广场感到恐。


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