We actually went t this lousy service, unfresh food, warm nd heaty steamboat restaurant. Come t think of it, it doesn't even look like a restaurant. Nd there were damn little patrons please!
Check out my cute cousins on mummie's car. They were jumping up nd down happily =D
ahma(: nd my cousin(:
When was th last time you received a hand made bday card? Although it came a lil later, but it's so nice t receive a HAND MADE BDAY CARD can!
So anyway yesterday. School was fine. Work was fine. Interview with them at town was fine. Everything was fine. Except for a few hiccups here nd there. *pouts*
Check this out!
When starfish turned his eyes t look at th side, I saw this at th corner of his eyes! Doesn't it look like some blood clot in th eye?! Aww, it sure looks pain! Like, blue black in th eye? Literally in th eye. Eewww! =x
Yesterday after work, while on th way t Paragon. We were itching for something t bite, so we bought this loaf of bread at th bus stop! ND ATE IT ON TH BUS. Lol! He said we looked ridiculous. Kinda true though, with those people looking at us.
Swear I always do such dumb things whenever I'm with you can.
Never fail t think of lame but funny stuff t do together. Making me throw face with you!
Aye, but it was memorable la.
Who else'd eat A LOAF of bread on th bus like us did!
He stuffed th whole quarter of bread into his mouth!
He made me angry nd ahboo made him do this.
You should have seen his SHAG until cannot de face after he took this photo. LOL! XD
ps/ ECP tml(:
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