Omg. It's been a freakkkking tiring first week back t school please!
Tuesday especially was a killer. I stayed for lms project until 9pm!
These people *insert Eric's nd Qinyi's face below* make lms project fun! Oooo~
Lovin' Joy nd LOVE!
Aww. Movie with Love tml gotta be rescheduled. Cos CQY cannot make it. It's gonna break Eric's heart, cos he planned it!
I'm so loving' lms. Even though it's taking up alot of my time nd killing brain cells, but it rock my socks! Cos of mates are great! LOVE nd Joy is Love! ♥♥
Nd this bunch makes lecture bearable!
Good o'Mel. Lol.
I think I'd prolly sleep in lecture without them!
Th day after we did our presentation for Law.
They make lecture so much fun-ner. Lol, is there such a word?
I'm so freakking tired now. Just got back from suntec with Vic nd George. Omg. Vic, I really have a freakking weak heart. In th end we didn't bought what we wanted t. I'm going with Starfish tml t buy it=D
OMFreakkkkingGod. You C-A-N-N-O-T - I repeat- CANNOT imagine how
okay. maybe even wider smile than this.
it's been th longest time since you said that t me, baby!
I thought I won't hear it anymore..
I can't nd I won't try t hide it. I'M FUCKING FREAKKKKKING HIGH because of what you said! It's sucha simple 2word reply, but it's enough for me. You know what I'm talking about(:
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