Look at my dearest! Isn't his expression so CUTE?! =D
Love him to bits! Anw, he was trying to cut th cake we bought for him.

Th MOST inportant man in my life ♥♥♥♥
Alrite. Tried to buy blinds etc at Ikea earlier on with folks. But nthg caught our eyes. My hope of having new purple blinds by tonight are dashed! Hur!
This was taken on a polariod, Elina's last day.

I totally love th polariod effect! But don't think I'd buy it anymore =( Cos they might be stopping to produce th films. wth!
Quick update. Holiday's HERE but I'm gonna work
Btw. I was on youtube nd tried to type SHENNY on th search bar. Guess what?! I found so bloody many videos of them! Oooohhh~~ They so make me believe Shenny's gonna happen in So6 please! Alrighty. ♥♥TheLWord♥♥ craze is like BACK again!!
Try Who Am I To Say, Catch Me I'm Falling nd Everything.
Swear they're of those BEST Shenny videos.
They'll make you believe Shenny's gonna happen =D
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