Doesn't make sense right?!
Urgh. I certainly hope this darn newspaper got EVERYTHING wrong! =(
Ok, damn. I am feeling th heart pain can! Yeah la, I don't go crazy over him like how I used to be when I was much younger but I STILL ♥ HSIAO JING HONG can.
But anyway, life still has to go on. =/
Went all th way to BUGIS to do projects cos of dear onglai
just because he lives in Lavender, he made th jurong nd panjang people to go ALL TH WAY DOWN. xD
Ok la. We volunteered de la O.o
Look at his r*tarted face. Nd mind you, HE TOOK THIS PHOTO HIMSELF.
(omg. i'm using so many caps in this entry. i am so 激动 right now!!)
Nd can you believe it, we talked about projects from breakfast all th way to dinner. Yes, we ate all our meals tgt tday!
Look at my hOney` otherwise known as panjang ahlian!
I tell you, Viewty is damn good yo! This picture is taken using it's front camera while th bus IS ON TH MOVE. I think th lightings -which have nthg to do with th camera- is GREAT nd th effect is double GREAT nd th quality is SO GREAT please! XD
Urgh. Tday's a tiring day. Cos we squeezed all our brain juice. =/
Damn tired. It's weekend but I'm waking up not much later than a normal working day. Damnit.
But it's ok, I'm gonna surf th web till wee hours tonight nd sleep till th sun shine on my butt tml AFTERNOON. WAHAHAS!
Smthg to feast th eyes,

current fetish nd crush; Joe Jonas.
Damn hot! Especially when he's singing! <3>for no/s>
见异思迁 sia!! =x
ps/ in case if you're wondering why syaz's not appearing in th photos. cos she had a bad stomach since th morning so she went home as soon as we finished th projects.
But th 4 of us WENT
Urgh. Town is so damn packed especially during weekends.
Poor Singaporeans who have NOWHERE to go.
Alright, I'm one of them.
Before I go.

Look at this yo!
It says LOVE nd it means LOVE to me.
get it for me okay, anyone?
USD is so
Btw, it's from lovendpride nd you can check our their website.
Not sure, but I don't think they're available locally. Don't think they have a shop here. Bah!
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