ohwell. fcukit.

I'm not being a spoilt brat but I really gotta change my phone.
Fuck th lousy feature when talking on th phone.
Whenever a call comes in, th whole phone hangs. Whenever I wanna view a incoming sms while on th phone, th speed of responding is ubbbbbbber slow. When I talk on th phone, I'd always press th Hold button accidentally without fail. It's uber slow when loading Gallery. It's Video function is kinda faulty. There's a visible scratch on th screen.
Despite th pretty appearance, despite it being 5mp, despite it having 3G, despite its touch screen.

You know sometimes, it's just so frusfrating t hear th people around you criticizing your belongings. Or th things you like. Or th person you like. Or th way you do things.
I mean, once in a while it's fine. But when it starts coming too often, it starts t get on my nerve.
Like how I don't think my lappy is lousy, cos at least it facilitates me well enough. I don't think my bed's made of poor material, at least I'm able t sleep soundly every night (minus away th external factors that keeps me awake th whole night). I don't think my phone's so sucky that it should be thrown away, it has a certain market value. Nd I definitely don't think Eeyore(s) are ugly just because he looks dumb.

Argh, don't mind me. I'm in a rotten mood now. Nd th inability t put th videos into th ppt makes me mad. Nd th fact that everything seems messed up irks me. Th thought of nothing is done for frontpage makes me wanna scream.

My neck hurts like fuck. So does my left arm -an auntie bumped her elbow into me that day- nd there's a blue black now. Nd I'm feeling so fucking cold. Th fan, at speed1, is blowing at me with my curtains wide open. Feels like I'm freezing. Damn.
Now I'm ranting like a spoilt brat.


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