U know.. I might not have been so mad if you haven't said wht you said. Or perhaps not said what you should've said.
I rlly dislike going trough every Sunday like this, w an appt w others in th noon & you not being able t wake up on time. I utd
Plain Truth
Your baby was born in secret and your father must not find him. If he does, you lose everything you ever had; your family, your religion, your community.
Being a fan of Jodi Picoult, my goal was t finish all th novels she ever wrote.
I started reading with less than enthusiasm cuz it's about a religion community even though I was really curious whr did th baby went t.
But like always, as th story builds on, I couldn't tear myself away from th book. & throughout, I was questioning if a mother would really be able t kill her own son if that's th only way t continue living in her community.
You see, Amish ain't exactly th kinda people who'd accept unwed babies especially w non Amish man.
But whn a person's forced t th edge, I thought that you never know what they'd do just t protect themselves. Just t remain accepted in their community; something that means alot t the Amish.
& I'd been fooled (twice) whn Katie admitted t havin th baby aftr a ONS & whn she admitted t killing th baby. Thn I realized smthg; all th while whn Im reading, I never rlly believed Katie whn she denied killing th baby. I found myself saying see I knew it, she killed her own baby t save her ass!
It's only whn th psychiatrist analyzed & justified that Katie was actually lying did I realize that. & I think that reflects alot on my character. Y'know, so easily & readily t condemn a suspect. Maybe it's got t do w my surrounding? Idk. I just feel that human are a bunch of selfish lot. We r so ever ready t point our fingers @ others whn things so wrong. Ought t reflect on ourselves.
This's th first time I've heard about th Amish. & even wiki abt them, cuz I didn't see th big deal of babies out of wedlock in tday's context. Read up about them & it made me realize that actually ALL human beings should be like th Amish!
Well maybe not so much on th part whr you don't use modern technology. But instead, being truthful & honest. Putting others (family esp) before yourself. If nothing else, I learnt one thing from this book - J.O.Y ie Jesus first, Others before you and Yourself last. Not word for word but ya, you get my drift. Im not Christian, but I thought that was a very nice acronym. Idk if this's rlly wht th Amish parents teach their kids since young, but that's what th novel claimed.
Anwy, th point is, I think human should rlly be like this. You know, not always putting yourself first & only thinking about yourself and wht benefits you. Think about people around you whom you care, think about your religion (if you have) & that'd make you a better person.
I think I've mentioned more than once why I liked JP's novel; cuz of th twist of ending. Always. I dont recall any of her titles (that I've read) that th ending was predictable. & th ending of Plain Truth made me realise how nobel a mother would be nd how they really meant whn they say they'd do anything t protect their kids. Idk, for a moment it did come across as selfishness t me. Th Amish believes in doing what had t be done, and th mother was Amish through & through. She did what had t be done, so that her family could continue living as they are without disturbance. I was overwhelmed by her actions. Shocked, because that's not what her religion would expect of her (Amish r rlly religious) but she did it anyway t protect her family.
Idk if it makes any sense t yall, since yall haven't read th book. Puns r intended btw.
I think every JP novel change me a little. For Plain Truth, it inspires me t want t become a better person. Ought t learn from th Amish. They're no saints, just how human should be at th very beginning of our creation.
Being a fan of Jodi Picoult, my goal was t finish all th novels she ever wrote.
I started reading with less than enthusiasm cuz it's about a religion community even though I was really curious whr did th baby went t.
But like always, as th story builds on, I couldn't tear myself away from th book. & throughout, I was questioning if a mother would really be able t kill her own son if that's th only way t continue living in her community.
You see, Amish ain't exactly th kinda people who'd accept unwed babies especially w non Amish man.
But whn a person's forced t th edge, I thought that you never know what they'd do just t protect themselves. Just t remain accepted in their community; something that means alot t the Amish.
& I'd been fooled (twice) whn Katie admitted t havin th baby aftr a ONS & whn she admitted t killing th baby. Thn I realized smthg; all th while whn Im reading, I never rlly believed Katie whn she denied killing th baby. I found myself saying see I knew it, she killed her own baby t save her ass!
It's only whn th psychiatrist analyzed & justified that Katie was actually lying did I realize that. & I think that reflects alot on my character. Y'know, so easily & readily t condemn a suspect. Maybe it's got t do w my surrounding? Idk. I just feel that human are a bunch of selfish lot. We r so ever ready t point our fingers @ others whn things so wrong. Ought t reflect on ourselves.
This's th first time I've heard about th Amish. & even wiki abt them, cuz I didn't see th big deal of babies out of wedlock in tday's context. Read up about them & it made me realize that actually ALL human beings should be like th Amish!
Well maybe not so much on th part whr you don't use modern technology. But instead, being truthful & honest. Putting others (family esp) before yourself. If nothing else, I learnt one thing from this book - J.O.Y ie Jesus first, Others before you and Yourself last. Not word for word but ya, you get my drift. Im not Christian, but I thought that was a very nice acronym. Idk if this's rlly wht th Amish parents teach their kids since young, but that's what th novel claimed.
Anwy, th point is, I think human should rlly be like this. You know, not always putting yourself first & only thinking about yourself and wht benefits you. Think about people around you whom you care, think about your religion (if you have) & that'd make you a better person.
I think I've mentioned more than once why I liked JP's novel; cuz of th twist of ending. Always. I dont recall any of her titles (that I've read) that th ending was predictable. & th ending of Plain Truth made me realise how nobel a mother would be nd how they really meant whn they say they'd do anything t protect their kids. Idk, for a moment it did come across as selfishness t me. Th Amish believes in doing what had t be done, and th mother was Amish through & through. She did what had t be done, so that her family could continue living as they are without disturbance. I was overwhelmed by her actions. Shocked, because that's not what her religion would expect of her (Amish r rlly religious) but she did it anyway t protect her family.
Idk if it makes any sense t yall, since yall haven't read th book. Puns r intended btw.
I think every JP novel change me a little. For Plain Truth, it inspires me t want t become a better person. Ought t learn from th Amish. They're no saints, just how human should be at th very beginning of our creation.
I realise..
that health is really wealth. Well, of course you can't spend this sort of wealth. But if you don't have this wealth, you wont be able t get up & earn th real moolahs.
In my entire life, I've been admitted into hospital twice. Once, many years ago due t dehydration & th next was recently due t gastric. Funnily, both times I left for th hospital from th polyclinic.
& I was told Im dehydrated again for th second time even though I wasnt sent in because of it.
Went through th painful procedures...

Im not afraid of needles so th drawing of blood & jabs were fine. But th thought of my daddy going through all these on a weekly basis makes my heart cringe & wnna cry badly. I wish I could take those for him but obviously I can't.
Okay, side tracked. I don't wnna talk about that here. So anwy, th point is, I think health is rlly very important.
& this time, due t some circumstances my parents weren't able t be thr for me & with me, I thank God for Baby. He accompanied me through th whole
At some point of time, parents won't be there with you anymore. They won't be able t hold you, t support you anymore. & th person who's going t spend th rest of your life with you will be your partner, your lover.
At some point of time, you would realise that your parents won't be there with you nd that you;'d turn t someone else for comfort. It's not that you're no longer close t your parents, just that you've found someone t share th rest of your life with whn they're gone...
Th thing that draws us apart, imo, is SLEEP.
Everytime I leave th room for awhile, I'd come back t see you eyes closed, alr in la la land. & not budge whn I try t wake you up.
Everytime I leave th room for awhile, I'd come back t see you eyes closed, alr in la la land. & not budge whn I try t wake you up.
Fuming mad
Don't come & act like saint when you're just another devil.
D you know karma points? Of all people I thought you'd know it best, since you've take a walk at th entrance at hell.
But you're actg as stupid as th rest.
I used t think selfish human is th most despicable kind. You just taught me that actually hypocrites AND selfish ones r th worst.
Cmon, wht d you get out of hurting others verbally? Speaking in a nice tone but saying all th bad things doesn't make it better.
If you rlly cared, you wouldn't curse th person. If you rlly cared, you wouldn't pop by just t say those hurtful words. If you rlly cared, you'd be thinking of how t help & not how t conceal what's happened.
Oh I forgot. You d care. About yourself & your own fucking ass. Other people & their feelings doesn't matter t you whn you & your interests r at stake. Go on, go ahead & kiss th backside of th arrogant ones.
I don't fucking care. Srsly I'm ashamed t be be related t you. Your selfishness & hypocrisy disgust me. Especially whn you know what it's like t be in our position. Especially whn you once needed those care & encouragement & attention. & how dare you fucking deny us of it now.
KARMA, you know, KARMA.
D you know karma points? Of all people I thought you'd know it best, since you've take a walk at th entrance at hell.
But you're actg as stupid as th rest.
I used t think selfish human is th most despicable kind. You just taught me that actually hypocrites AND selfish ones r th worst.
Cmon, wht d you get out of hurting others verbally? Speaking in a nice tone but saying all th bad things doesn't make it better.
If you rlly cared, you wouldn't curse th person. If you rlly cared, you wouldn't pop by just t say those hurtful words. If you rlly cared, you'd be thinking of how t help & not how t conceal what's happened.
Oh I forgot. You d care. About yourself & your own fucking ass. Other people & their feelings doesn't matter t you whn you & your interests r at stake. Go on, go ahead & kiss th backside of th arrogant ones.
I don't fucking care. Srsly I'm ashamed t be be related t you. Your selfishness & hypocrisy disgust me. Especially whn you know what it's like t be in our position. Especially whn you once needed those care & encouragement & attention. & how dare you fucking deny us of it now.
KARMA, you know, KARMA.
In love, thr's no right or wrong. Just happy or unhappy. When u persist in being right knowing I'll be unhappy, I don't think it's love. It's just ego that doesn't wanna understand.
How to find the perfect blush & lip colour.
".... take a picture of your vagina after orgasm, with plenty of light. Use photoshop's eyedropper tool to extract colors from various parts of it, and paint those onto a blank drawing. Put the drawing full of your vagina's color ... & bring it with you to the comestic store. Pick lip and blush colors that match those colors.
You will never find a more perfect match for you skin."
Was bloghopping & show this. I cannt explain how mortified I was by this suggestion!!!!!!
Rlly? I wonder if th author rlly use this method t find her perfect blush & lip colour. & Im sure there's better way, no???
Not trying t laugh about it or what. But srsly?!?! Will anyone even think about taking th chance t take a picture of your vag aftr sex (or orgasm t be precise) just so you can find th perfect colour? Or will anyone have sex & orgasmed just so t find that colour?? Or t take a pic & eyedrop it for enlargement & bring it t th comestic store???
Imagine you're @ M.A.C using your picture t find th perfect colour & a salesgurl walks up t you. & YOU ARE STILL HOLDING THAT PICTURE IN YOUR HAND while she asks whr d you reference your choice of colour from?
Are you going t say Oh, my vagina. After I orgasm. It's th most suitable & pinkest shade of pink. & proceeds t show her t picture asking for a similar colour.
You will never find a more perfect match for you skin."
Was bloghopping & show this. I cannt explain how mortified I was by this suggestion!!!!!!
Rlly? I wonder if th author rlly use this method t find her perfect blush & lip colour. & Im sure there's better way, no???
Not trying t laugh about it or what. But srsly?!?! Will anyone even think about taking th chance t take a picture of your vag aftr sex (or orgasm t be precise) just so you can find th perfect colour? Or will anyone have sex & orgasmed just so t find that colour?? Or t take a pic & eyedrop it for enlargement & bring it t th comestic store???
Imagine you're @ M.A.C using your picture t find th perfect colour & a salesgurl walks up t you. & YOU ARE STILL HOLDING THAT PICTURE IN YOUR HAND while she asks whr d you reference your choice of colour from?
Are you going t say Oh, my vagina. After I orgasm. It's th most suitable & pinkest shade of pink. & proceeds t show her t picture asking for a similar colour.
As I'm typing this...
Im lying (naked) on my bed. Lol.
Cuz I just made it back from school feelg extremely giddy & nausea.
Need t divert my attention before I start vomiting.
I've gotten 4 days MC cuz of th crazy throat inflammation & gastric problem. Th symptoms th doc asked me ytd at th hospital didn't surface until NOW.
Now Im giddy & nausea & bloated & whatevernot. God I feel freaking awful & energy-less.
Thank god I don't hafta be hospitalized. Th doc actually wanted t keep me thr for observation aftr putting me on a litre of drip (again!!!) & making my Baby wait for me outside alone. Zzz
Haha & I gotta say. Baby's been exceptionally nice t me these few days cuz of th goddam illness.
Ok I feel rlly sucky now. Off t puke. Bye!
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